jueves, 24 de enero de 2013


Do you like it? It's a postcard I made myself with Adobe Photoshop CS3...I don't really know how to use it yet but I've made a beautiful composition as you can see.

Another postcard:

sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2012

Dots and lines

With a dot and a line you can do some beautiful paintings...I like them a lot, because at first they seem like they've been painted with simple colours, but if you look them carefuly, you realize that they're made by...dots and lines: 


For all of these drawings I used this marker pens from staedtler, wich are very good for this kind of things. 

Maybe the dot with these markers is too little, but I like it like this (In the first picture, I used a thicker marker for the sky).

All the drawing techniques in one

This is a drawing I made starting from a simple face. Then, to colour it, I used caryons, paint, newspapers, magazine clippings, and even textures of zebra and tiger fur. 

 the bear, all made by dots

 the eyebrows, with different                    .                                   textures

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Cold colours and warm colours

Here you have some of my drawings: One of them done with cold colours (all the colours wich are blended with blue) and the other one with warm colours. As you can see, the feeling of each picture is very differet because of the colors used. 

                  COLD                          WARM

¡Welcome to my blog!

One of my hobbies since I was very young is to draw. I love drawing as you will see in my blog.
Some of my last drawings 

If you like the art as I do, this is your place! I will be posting too the things I discover and some tutorials made by myself. ¡Enjoy it!